Page:Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.pdf/23

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by the habit of lying. He was ſenſible of his miſconduct, and began to reflect, upon it with ſeriouineſs and contrition. Refolutions of amendment ſucceeded to penitence; he set a guard upon his words; ſpoke little, and always with caution and reſerve; and he ſoon found, by ſweet experience, that truth is more eaſy and natural than falſhood. By degrees the love of it became predominant in his mind; and ſo ſacred at length did he hold veracity to be, that he ſcrupled even the leaſt jocular violation of it. This happy change reſtored him to the eſteem of his friends; the confidence of the public; and the peace of his own conſcience.

Gratitude and Piety.

ARTABANES was diſtinguiſhed with peculiar favour by a wiſe, powerful, and good prince. A magnificent palace, surrounded with a delightful garden, was provided for his reſidence. He partook of all the luxuries of his ſovereign's table; was inveſted with extenſive authority; and admitted to the honour of a free intercourſe with his gracious maſter. But Artabanes was inſenſible of the advantages which he enjoyed; his heart glowed not with gratitude and reſpect; he avoided the ſociety of his benefactor, and abuſed his bounty.—I deteſt such a character, ſaid Alexis, with generous