Page:Shorter catechism in verse, with Scriptural references.pdf/7

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In Verse.

Q. How doth he fill the office of a king? 26
A. Us to himself he doth subdue and bring a;
Rules and defends us b, conquers and restrains
His foes and ours c; for King of kings he reigns.
a Psal. cx. 3. b Isa. xxxiii. 22. c l Cor. xv. 23.

Q. In what did Christ's humiliation lie?27
A. In leaving for a time his throne on high,
In being born, and that of parents low a;
Made under law b, and made to undergo
The mis'ries of this life c, his Father's wrath d,
The cross's painful and accursed death e;
In being buried, and remaining bound,
In chains of death, for three days under ground f.
a Luke ii. 7. b Gal. iv. 4. c John liii. 3. d Matt.
xxvii. 46.e Phil. ii. 8. f Matt. xii. 40.

Q. In what consists Christ's exaltation, say? 28
A. In rising from the dead th' appointed day a,
And re-ascending to heav'n's blest abode;
In sitting there, at the right hand of God b;
And thence descending, with great pomp and pow'r,
To judge the world at time's remotest hour c.
a 1 Cor. xv. 4. b Matt. xvi. 19: c Acts xvii. 31.

Q. How are mankind the blest partakers made29
Of that salvation for which Jesus died?
A. His Spirit's influence a, that all controuls,
Applies it graciously to sinners' souls b.
a Titus iii. 5, 6. b John i. 12.

Q. How doth the Holy Spirit this apply?30
A. By working faith in us a, and with that tie
Uniting us to Christ, our all in all,
In the firm bond of an effectual call b.
a Eph. ii. 8. bEph. iii. 17. 1 Cor. i. 9.

Q. Effectual calling, what doth it imply?31
A. The Holy Spirit's pow'rful work a, whereby,
Convincing us of misery and sin b,
Op'ning our minds to let new knowledge in c,