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The Children's Book of

By Elizabeth W. Grierson

Containing 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour from Paintings by
Allan Stewart
Large Square Crown 8ve., Cloth, Gilt Top. Price 6s.

"There have been many books written about Edinburgh, but none which attempts to point out its attractions or explain its historical associations in the way this one does for the benefit of young people. The author comes down to the level of little folks; yet the style in which she writes will not repel older people… The volume is one which is certain to prove popular with little folk." — Scotsman.

The Children's Book of

By G. E. Mitton
Author of several volumes in "The Fascination of London" Series edited by
Sir Walter Besant
Containing 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour by John Williamson
Large Square Crown Svo., Cloth, Gilt Top. Price 6s.

"No better guide could our younger generation have. The book has been written so dexterously that a child of ten years of age will at once be attracted and be impatient to go on a voyage of discovery in that London of which it knows little or nothing beyond the fact that it is a very, very, big city. 'Pen Pictures of London' the bock might be called, and it will assuredly be in great demand at Christmas-time." — Morning Post.

The Children's Book of Stars
By G. E. Mitton
Author of The Children's Book of London
With a Preface by Sir David Gill, K.C.B.
Containing about 20 full-page Illustrations (11 in Colour) and numerous
Diagrams in the Text
Large Square Crown Svo., Cloth, Gilt Top. Price 6s.

"This book about stars stirs one to something like enthusiasm, because it is so obviously and so delightfully a book that ought to have been written, and a book that has been welt and lovingly written." — Tribune.

Children's Tales from
Scottish Ballads

By Elizabeth W, Grierson
Containing 12 full-page Illustrations in Colour from Paintings by
Allan Stewart
Large Square Crown Svo., Cloth, Gill Top. Price 6s.

"The author has singled out her stories well. Black Agnace of Dunbar is a stirring piece of writing, and if it and the other stories do not fire the imagination of the rising generation, then we have surely become a decadent race… The illustrations are again by Mr. Stewart, whose colouring is beautiful." — Speaker.

Published by A. and C. Black, 4, 5, and 6, Soho Square, London, W.