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edition burned by order of the censor—only one copy survives so far as known.]

Ptítsin [Vladímir]. "Prisons in the Region Adjoining the River Léna," by Vladímir Ptítsin. St. Petersburg, 1890.

Ptítsin [Vladímir]. "Traces of Prehistoric Man in the Valley of the Selengá River in the Trans-Baikál." St. Petersburg, 1890.

Ptítsin [Vladímir]. "Ethnological Information Concerning Thibetan Medicine in the Trans-Baikál." St. Petersburg, 1890.

Rádlof [V. V.]. Ancient Inhabitants of Siberia, by V. V. Rádlof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Reütski [S. N.]. The Prison World, by S. N. Reütski. In magazine Russian Messenger, Nos. 2 and 3, Moscow, Feb. and March, 1870.

Ramezof [A.]. "Sanitary Condition of Western Siberia in 1880," by Dr. A. Ramezof. Omsk, 1881.

Rev [I.]. A Russian Prison and its Life, by I. Rev. In magazine Juridical Messenger, May and June, 1885.

Rodzévich [A. I.]. Táras Gregórievich Shevchénko [the Russian poet] in the Trans-Caspian Region [in exile], by A. I. Rodzévich. In historical review Russian Antiquity, May, 1891.

Samokvásof [D. Y.]. "Collection of Customary Laws of the Siberian Natives," by D. Y. Samokvásof. Warsaw, 1876.

Selivánof [N.]. Police Surveillance as a Punishment for Crime, by N. Selivánof. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Oct., 1883.

Semyónof [P. P.]. Picturesque Russia: Vol. XI, Western Siberia, edited by P. P. Semyónof, Vice-president of the Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc, St. Petersburg, 1884.

Semyónof [P. P.]. Western Siberia in its Present Economic Condition, by P. P. Semyónof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Semyónof [P. P.]. "Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire," by P. P. Semyónof. St. Petersburg, 1862.

Sgibnef [A. S.]. Benyófski's Insurrection in Kamchátka in 1771. In magazine Russian Antiquity, March and April, 1876.

Shcheglovítof [I. G.]. The Care of Prisoners' Children, by I. G. Shcheglovítof. In magazine Russian Antiquity, Dec. 1890.

Shchúkin [N.]. Siberian Voevóds [from an ancient Irkútsk Chronicle], by N. Shchúkin. In magazine Affairs, No. 1, St. Petersburg, 1866.

Shelgunóf [N. V.]. "Siberia along the Great Road," by N. V. Shelgunóf. Complete works, Vol. I. St. Petersburg, 1871.

Shubinski [S. N.]. Historical Exiles, by S. N. Shubinski. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Slovtsóf [P. A.]. "Historical Survey of Siberia." by P. A. Slovtsóf. St. Petersburg, 1886.

Solovói [P.]. Popular Education in Siberia, by P. Solovói. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Sept. and Oct , 1889.

Spafária [Nikolái]. "A Journey Across Siberia from Tobólsk to Nérchinsk and the Boundary of China in 1675," by Nikolái Spafária. St. Petersburg, 1882.

Stakhéief [D. I.] "The Trans-Baikál and the Amúr," by D. I. Stakhéief. St. Petersburg, 1869.

Stározhíl.[pseudonym]."Siberian Sketches," by Stározhíl. St. Petersburg, 1872.

Studítski [M.]. "History of the Explorations for an Ocean Route to the Siberian Rivers and Bering Strait," by M. Studítski. St. Petersburg, 1883.

Tarásof [I. T.]. "The Police in the Epoch of Reform," by I. T. Tarásof, professor in the Demídof Juridical Lyceum at Yároslavl. Moscow, 1885.

Tarásof [I. T.]. "Personal Restraint as a Police Measure to Insure Public Safety," by Prof. I. T. Tarásof. Yaroslavl, 1886.

Timoféief [N.]. Prison Methods, by N. Timoféief. In magazine Juridical Messenger, June, 1882.

Tolstói [G. M.]. A Visit to the Decembrist Exile Iváshef in Túrinsk, by G. M. Tolstói. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Nov., 1890.

Tsébrikova [M.]. "Penal Servitude and Exile," by Madame M. Tsébrikova. [A brochure sent with her letter to Alexander III.] [No name of publisher or place of publication.]

Tsébrikova [M.]. "Letter to Alexander III.," by Madame M. Tsébrikova. [No name of publisher or place of publication.]

Túrbin [S.]. "The Land of Exile," by S. Túrbin. St. Petersburg, 1872.

Turgénief [Alexander Mikháilovich]. Memoirs of Alexander Mikháilovich Turgénief, 1796–1810. In historical review Russian Antiquity. April, 1889.

Údintsef [V.]. Statistics of Crime in the Province of Perm, by V. Údintsef. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Aug., 1889.