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1882. Jan. 31. The Moscow Telegraph receives a second warning.

Feb. 11. The St. Petersburg Gólos receives a first warning, with the prohibition of its street sales. March 26. The Moscow Telegraph is suspended for four months.

April 8. Application for permission to publish a new newspaper in St. Petersburg is denied.

April 15. The Poriádok gives up the struggle with the censorship and goes into liquidation.

April 15. The April number of the magazine Russian Thought is seized and suppressed.

May 27. Application for permission to publish a new newspaper in Ekaterinburg is denied.

June 17. The Riga Véstnik publishes the following in lieu of a leading editorial: "In to-day's issue it was our intention to have had a leading editorial, urging the Esthonians to unite more closely among themselves, and with the Russians, and to work with manly energy for the Fatherland; but we have not been allowed to print it.

July 1. The humorous illustrated newspaper Guslá is seized by order of the censor, and its 24th number is suppressed, for making fun of an irrigation scheme in which the censor is interested.

July 1. Application for permission to publish a new newspaper, to be called the Donskói Pehéla, at Rostóf on the Don is denied.

July 15. The Zémstvo, the organ of the provincial assemblies, gives up the struggle with the censorship and goes into liquidation, after an existence of a year and a half.

Aug. 19. The Vostók receives a first warning for criticism of the higher clergy.

Aug. 26. The Bourse Gazette receives a first warning for an editorial on the rights and duties of the press and its relations with the Government.

Sept. 2. The September number of the magazine Russian Thought is seized, the whole edition of 3000 copies is confiscated, and the plates are destroyed.

Oct. 31. St. Petersburg Nóvosti is fined 100 rúbles for charging an officer of the Government with brutality.

Nov. 2. The November number of the magazine Russian Thought is seized and confiscated.

Dec. 2. The Moscow Telegraph, having resumed publication after its suspension, again receives a first warning.

Dec. 9. The Vostók receives a second warning.

Dec. 9. The street sales of the Ékho are forbidden.

Dec. 16. The St. Petersburg Gólos receives a second warning.

Dec. 16. The street sales of the Moscow Telegraph are forbidden.