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Feb. 27. Street sales of the Son of the Fatherland are forbidden.

March 6. Street sales of the St. Petersburg Grázhdanín are forbidden.

March 13. The magazine Voskhód receives a third warning and is suspended for six months on account of its "extremely pernicious tendency" as shown in its publication of Mordóftsef's historical novel entitled "Between Hammer and Anvil."

July 29. A Russian translation of Professor Lester F. Ward's "Social Dynamics" is burned by order of the censor.

The following is a brief classified list of some of the better-known authors and writers who have been hanged, imprisoned, or exiled in Russia, since 1825, for political offenses, or for indulging in too much freedom of thought and expression.

Historian. Kostomárof.

Scientists and Travelers. Potánin, Madam Yefímenko, Kléments.

University Professors. Shchápof, Pávlof, Kostomárof, Éngelhardt.

Novelists and Dramatists. Palm, Dostoyéfski, Tourguénef, Mámin, Korolénko, Máchtet, Staniukóvich, Petropávlovski, Beztúzhef.

Critics. Písaref, Chúiko, Sáltikof [Shchedrín], Mikháilofski, Protopópof.

Poets. Riléief, Odoéfski, Polezháief, Púshkin, Lérmontof, Pleshchéief, Shevchénko, Mikháilof, Kuróchkin, Mináief, Yakubóvich, Volkhófski, Sinigúb.

Political Economists, Editors, Publicists, and Translators. Hérzen, Ogaróf, Chernishéfski, Shelgunóf, Shashkóf, Lavróf , Tkáchef , Bervi [Flerófski], Pávlenkof, the two Kropótkins, Gregórief, Protopópof, Krívenko, Góltsef, Madam Pol, Shcherbín, Shchepótief, Priklónski, Yúzhakóf, Vorontsóf, Ánnenski, Aksákof [Ivan], Chudnófski, Ivánchin-Písaref, Yádrintsef.

Miscellaneous. Baron Rósen [author of "Memoirs of a Russian Decembrist"], Beláief [author of "Recollections of a Decembrist"], Dall [author of the great "Dictionary of the Living Russian Tongue"], Yákushkin [a student of and writer upon Russian songs and folk-lore], Tveretínof, Khudiákof, Lesévich [writer upon philosophy and morals], Madam Kázina, Olkhan, Bardófski, Értel, Madam Kafiéro, Osipóvich.