APPENDIX 497 above described, whose duty it will be to make an examination of all our social and governmental institutions, and remodel them in accordance with instructions from the electors. Although we are ready to submit wholly to the popular will, we regard it as none the less our duty, as a party, to appear before the people with our program. This program we shall use as a means of propaganda until the revolution comes, we shall advocate it during the election campaign, and we shall support it before the Organizing Assembly. It is as follows : 1. Perpetual popular representation, constituted as above de- scribed and having full power to act in all national questions. 2. General local self-government, secured by the election of all officers, and the economic independence of the people. 3. The self -controlled village commune as the economic and ad- ministrative unit. 4. Ownership of the land by the people. 5. A system of measures having for their object the turning over to the laborers of all mining works and factories. 6. Complete freedom of conscience, speech, association, public meeting, and electioneering activity. 7. Universal right of franchise, without any class or property limitation. 8. The substitution of a territorial militia for the army. We shall follow this program, and we believe that all of its parts are so interdependent as to be impracticable one without the other, and that only as a whole will the program insure political and economic freedom aud the harmonious development of the people. D In view of the stated aim of the party its operations may be classified as follows : 1. Propaganda and agitation. Our propaganda has for its object the popularization, in all social classes, of the idea of a political and democratic revolution as a means of social reform, as well as IT 32
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