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APPENDIX 503 the people. We address you as a citizen and as an honest man. We hope that the feeling of personal exasperation will not extinguish in your mind your consciousness of your duties and your desire to know the truth. We also might feel exasperation. You have lost your father. We have lost not only our fathers, but our brothers, our wives, our children and our dearest friends. But we are ready to suppress personal feeling if it be demanded by the welfare of Russia. We expect the same from you. We set no conditions for you — do not let our proposition irritate you. The conditions that are prerequisite to a change from revolutionary ac- tivity to peaceful labor are created, not by us, but by history. These conditions, in our opinion, are two. 1. A general amnesty to cover all past political crimes ; for the reason that they were not crimes but fulfilments of civd duty. 2. The summoning of representatives of the whole Russian people to examine the existing framework of social and governmental life, and to remodel it in accordance with the people's wishes. We regard it as necessary, however, to remind you that the legalization of the Supreme Power, by the representatives of the people, can be valid only in case the elections are perfectly free. For this reason such elec- tions must be held under the following conditions. 1. Delegates are to be sent from all classes, without distinction, and in number are to be proportionate to the number of inhabitants. 2. There shall be no limitations, either for voters or delegates. 3. The canvass and the elections shall be absolutely unrestricted, and therefore the Government, pending the organization of the National Assembly, shall authorize, in the form of temporary measures, a. Complete freedom of the press. b. Complete freedom of speech. c. Complete freedom of public meeting. d. Complete freedom of election program. This is the only way in which Russia can return to the path of normal and peaceful development. We declare solemnly, before the people of our native land and before the whole world, that our party will submit unconditionally to the de- cisions of a National Assembly elected in the manner above indicated, and that we will not allow ourselves, in future, to offer violent resistance to any Government that the National Assembly may sanction. And now, your Majesty, decide ! Before you are two courses, and you are to make your choice between them. We can only trust that your in- telligence and conscience may suggest to you the only decision that is compatible with the welfare of Russia, with your own dignity, and with your duty to your native land. The Executive Committee.