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Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/523

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The following are a few sections from the "Rules Relating to Measures for the Preservation of National Order and Public Tranquillity," approved by Alexander III. on the 14th of August, 1881, and promulgated in an Imperial Command on the 4th of September of the same year.

Section 5. [a] When public tranquillity in any locality shall be disturbed by criminal attempts against the existing imperial form of government, or against the security of private persons and their property, or by preparations for such attempts, so that, for the preservation of order, a resort to the existing permanent laws seems to be insufficient, then that locality may be declared in a state of reinforced safeguard.

[b] When by reason of such attempts the population of a certain place shall be thrown into a state of alarm which creates a necessity for the adoption of exceptional measures to immediately reestablish order, then the said place may be declared in a state of extraordinary safeguard.[1]

Section 15. Within the limits of such places [places declared to be in a state of reinforced safeguard] governors-general, governors, and municipal chiefs of police may [a] issue obligatory ordinances relating to matters connected with the preservation of public tranquillity and the security of the Empire, and [b] punish by fine and imprisonment violations of such ordinances.

Section 16. Governors-general, governors, and municipal chiefs of police are authorized also [a] to settle by administrative process cases involving violation of the obligatory ordinances issued by them; [b] to prohibit all popular, social, and even private meetings; [c] to close temporarily, or for the whole term of reinforced safeguard, all commercial and industrial establishments; and [d] to prohibit particular persons from residing in places declared to be in a state of reinforced safeguard.

  1. Reinforced safeguard [usílenoi akhrána] and extraordinary safeguard [cherezvuicháinoi akhrána] are equivalent to our major state and minor state of siege.