Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/573

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Abakán River, II. 395, 397.
Áchinsk, prison at, II. 523, 524-526, 532, 541, 543.
Achkín, Mr., political exile, I. 246.
Active Correspondent, the, I. 36.
Administrative process. See Exile.
Adriánof, A., Russian editor, II. 440, 475, 517, 518.
"Afar," I. 374, 384, II. 125, 158, 159, 529, 536.
Agriculture. See Siberia.
Akatúi, mine of, II. 274, 275, 280, 286-289, 468; prison at, 287-289.
Akmolínsk, political exiles in, II. 31, 40.
Albany, N. Y., an exciting meeting at, I. 339.
Alexánder Névski, cathedral of, I. 6, 8.
Alexander the Second, assassination of, I. iii, II. 499, 555; annotations of prison reports, I. viii, II. 544-555; prison reform, measures of, I. 80; administrative exile during reign of, 258; arbitrary actions of, 268; mining gold for, II. 148; report of Gov.-gen. Anúchin to, 544-555.
Alexander the Third, reported domestic virtues of, I. vi, vii; address of Revolutionists to, I. 179, II. 249, 431, 499-503; treatment of a petitioner, I. 249; oath of allegiance to, required, II. 19-21, 26, 27; an exile's response to demand for oath of allegiance to, 56-59; Véimar's doubts of rule of, 204; imperial command of, 507-509.
Alexándrofsk, new forwarding-prison at, II. 7, 296, 344-350, 366, 537, 541, 542, 546, 548.
Alexandrófskaya, perils of the journey to, I. 229-231.
Alexandrófski Zavód, departure from Strétinsk for, II. 279, 280; arrival at, 284; prison at, 285; number of convicts at, 317.
Alexéi Mikháilovich, exile legislation of, I. 74.
Alexéiova, Anna, political exile, II. 375, 376.
Algachí, departure from Strétinsk for, II. 279; visit to the mine of, 289-307; prison at, 291-297; number of convicts at, 317.
Altái, "the Siberian Switzerland," I. 120, 121; our trip through the, 138-226; mines of the, 281.
Altái Station, I. 193-201, 226, 227.
America, ignorance of, in Siberia, I. 135, 136.
American Geographical Society, effect in Russia of my defense of exile system before, I. 303.
American songs in Kírghis tents, I. 149.
American travelers, characteristics of, I. 27.
Amûr River, I. 49, II. 60, 64, 123, 131, 279, 546, 549.
Amúrski prison, transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, II. 234.
Anarchists compared with nihilists, iv.
Andersonville, likeness of Tomsk forwarding prison to, I. 312.
Andréief, ——, political exile, II. 449.
Angará River, I. 367, II. 1, 62-65, 344, 350; breaking through the ice on, 351; storm in mountains of, 352; ice bridge over, 354.
Annals of the Fatherland, I. 143,245, 259, 274, II. 212, 439, 440, 447, 486, 488. See also Atéchestvenia Zapíski.
Ants, strength of formic acid, I. 202, 203.
Anúchin, E. N., Russian author, I. 255, 256.
Anúchin, Gov.-gen., reports of, to the Tsar, I. viii, 387-389, II. 44, 227-229, 544-555; order in Schiller's case, I. 265; brutality of, 329, II. 223-225; treatment of an inferior's suggestion, I. 396; interview with Col. Kononóvich, II. 217; Col. Zagárin's report to, on marching of exiles, 371, 372; protest from, against exile system, 465.
Apselin, Prof., Finnish archæologist, II. 393, 394.
Architecture, of Kazán, I. 20; of Siberian villages, 67.
Ardagank, the, II. 489.
Argún River, II. 138, 279, 280.
Armfeldt, Miss Nathalie, political exile, II. 168, 174, 181, 183-195, 200, 212, 259, 447, 450.
Arrestántski prison at Tomsk, I. 318, II. 515, 516, 518.
Art, pursuit of, under difficulties, I. 196, II. 110-112, 192, 193, 493.
Artél, secret organization among exiles, I. 390-395.
Arúl, village of, I. 206.