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A. Yes.

Q. Politico?

A. They approached us with — they had been getting information from Bill Browder. He had alleged to them that we were part of a big campaign on Capitol Hill and that we were engaged in lobbying and that it was all designed to affect legislation or smear him or Sergei Magnitsky. So eventually we did end up dealing with that, but I don't remember whether we dealt with them prior to that. I don't think they covered the case prior to that.

Q. What about NBC?

A. We would have — I'm sorry. Yes.

Q. And the New Republic?

A. I think so.

Q. And do you recall what information you provided to each or is that too into the weeds?

A. I don't know if it's in the weeds, but generally speaking, the work — we provided information about the work that I had done about William Browder's credibility. The whole case ended up — when I said when he declined to appear voluntarily as I am here and explain things, you

Alderson Court Reporting