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he's paid us.
Q. What did you understand his role to be in the Prevezon work?
A. He worked on his movie doing — essentially as I understand it and recall it, he was asked to help find a place where they could show this movie. William Browder likes to use the press, but he doesn't like anyone talking freely about him or raising questions about the story of his activities in Russia. So when this movie came together they were going to screen it in Europe and he hired the meanest libel firm in London which has previously sued me on behalf of Saudi billionaires and — unsuccessfully I might add, and he threatened to file libel cases against the people who were daring to offer to host a showing of this film.
So, as you know, they don't have the First Amendment in Europe. So he was able to successfully suppress the showings of this film which questioned his credibility and whether — the truth of his story and his activities in Russia. So Chris came up with the idea of showing it at the Newseum which is dedicated to the First Amendment and where they don't have much time for libel