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Page 137

A. I met him in connection with this case. We've never had any kind of social or other relations beyond chatting in courthouses and that sort of thing, sitting in restaurants waiting for a hearing to start.

Q. Has Fusion ever worked with him other than on the Prevezon case?

A. No.

Q. And to the best of your knowledge, what was his role in the Prevezon case?

A. As I understood it, he was recruited off the rack basically as a certified — a translator who had courtroom experience in New York who was qualified to do sort of technical-legal type translation work. He, to my knowledge, didn't have a pre-existing relationship with Ms. Veselnitskaya or Prevezon. That's my understanding to this day.

MR. DAVIS: I think that's the end of our hour. It is 1:04. Let's go off the record.

(Whereupon, at 1:05 p.m., the
interview was recessed, to
reconvene at 1:45 p.m., this
same day.)


MS. SAWYER: We'll go back on the record.

Alderson Court Reporting