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identified here.

MS. SAWYER: Right. So that first document, the one that we've just been talking about, has Bates Nos. 49391 to 41393. Do we need to go off the record for a moment? Let's go off the record for a moment.

(A short break was had.)


Q. With regard to this document, you characterized this document as representing field interviews, I think you talked about it as human source information. So was Mr. Steele's kind of role with regard to the project primarily conducting these types of interviews, gathering this type of what I think you referred to as human intelligence for Fusion?

A. Yes. I mean, in other cases we did other things.

MR. LEVY: Don't get into other cases.


A. I can't remember specifically what I had in mind to get from him. This form of reporting was, in fact, the form that the rest of the project took, which was, you know — I've done other kinds of research in Russia, but something this sensitive

Alderson Court Reporting