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provide you.
Q. And do you know who it is that Mr. Steele contacted and talked with at the FBI?
A. I did not know at the time. I believe I know now, but I don't have authoritative information on that. I didn't — yeah. I didn't know who it was in July.
Q. And do you now know who that was?
A. I think I know, but Chris never told me. I figured it out eventually based on other sources and other information, but that was not until December or November.
Q. December of — November or December 2016?
A. November, December 2016. It was after the election.
Q. And what is your understanding from what you've been able to put together of who that would have been?
A. My understanding of?
Q. Of who Mr. Steele would have talked to at the FBI.
A. I believe it was a , an official named .
Q. And we had talked about that discussion