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him, that kind of thing.
Q. I do want to get into some more specifics about kind of what steps and what items you may also clarify, but I do want to make sure, if I could have your indulgence, just that we — well, we can finish up the FBI part on our next hour because it sounds like there's a little more to finishing that. So our hour is up. If you'll just give me a moment.
Okay. So we'll go ahead and go off the record. It is 2:58.
(A short break was had.)
MR. DAVIS: We'll go back on the record. It's now 3:09.
Q. Mr. Simpson, do you know Emin Agalarov, E-M-I-N, A-G-A-L-A-R-O-V?
MR. LEVY: Personally or just does he know about him?
MR. DAVIS: Personally.
A. No.
Q. Do you know Aras, A-R-A-S, Agalarov?
A. No.