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nothing to his knowledge. It's just simply a point of reference by you, but it doesn't add anything to what he might be saying. So I think the better way to get at it is simply to ask direct questions.
MR. DAVIS: There are two parties to this, at least, and we've got one's description. I'd like to know if he agrees with that description.
MR. MUSE: But even within what do they mean by this is the question. I mean, what do they mean by this sort of paragraph. You're asking him for an interpretation. He can answer questions about the relationship.
MR. DAVIS: I'm asking him to give an interpretation of their agreement in terms of what he did.
MR. MUSE: And therein lies the problem.
MR. DAVIS: But if it's an agreement to which he's a party, there's a basis for that understanding.
MR. MUSE: I don't think that's the way the rule works.
MR. FOSTER: Well, I think the bigger mischief from my point of view is the fact that we're trying to get an understanding of what the contractual relationship was. You're telling us