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Page 214

that that is, in fact, not covered by ordinary confidentiality.

Q. Was Fusion aware of the reports that the FBI considered — let me rephrase. Was Fusion aware that the FBI considered paying Mr. Steele to investigate Mr. Trump and his associates?

A. When?

Q. At any time.

MR. LEVY: When you say "paying," what do you mean by that?

MR. DAVIS: Providing money.

MR. LEVY: For a fee? Are you talking about reimbursements?

MR. DAVIS: Fees or reimbursements in this context.


A. We've learned that. We know that now. In fact, it was —

MR. LEVY: Learned what?


A. Well, we learned — sometime after the election we learned that Chris had discussed working for the FBI on these matters after the election and that that didn't happen.

Q. Did Mr. Steele discuss that with you at

Alderson Court Reporting