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Page 23

can evaluate whether it's appropriate to discuss that here if such a predicate for the answer exists.

MR. FOSTER: Do you want to take a break?

MR. LEVY: Sure.

MR. FOSTER: Let's go off the record. It's 9:55.

(A short break was had.)

MR. DAVIS: We'll go back on the record. It's 10:02.


Q. After conferring with your counsel, are you able to answer the question?

A. Yes. Could you just state it one more time.

Q. Sure. To the best of your knowledge, has anyone associated with Fusion GPS ever told clients or prospective clients that the company could find and distribute information or take other actions in order to encourage government agencies to initiate an investigation?

A. The word "associated" is really vague. I'm not sure I know what you mean by that. I can speak to my own practices and the practices of the people who work at my company.

Alderson Court Reporting