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were separately — you know, my team and myself were separately investigating various things in here. So I can't talk about this as a verification, but I was analyzing this.
MR. FOSTER: Speak up, please.
A. I analyzed this information in the same manner I analyzed the other stuff.
Q. So based on the work that you were doing, did any of that independent work that you did alter the content of this?
A. No.
Q. So it was in addition to whatever was provided in this memo, this two-page memo?
A. Yes, that's right.
Q. And to the best that you can recall, can you tell us what you were learning at the same time about the topics covered in this memo?
A. Yes. Could I just clarify something? I assume this is exactly how it was published and someone mixed up the sequence of the memos. So the next memo's numbered 94 and is dated July 19th and this one is 95 and is not dated, I don't believe. Maybe that's why they got mixed up.
But in any event, what I would loosely call