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we don't have a business of — we're not an appendage to the Democratic party. We run a commercial business, we're all ex-journalists. We take clients from both sides of the aisle. We have a long history of that, I'm proud of that. I'm happy to say I have lots of Republican clients and friends.
Q. To the extent there have been allegations or indications that the work that Mr. Steele did, his research into Russian interference in the 2016 election, or your work could have been influenced by Rinat Akhmetshin, do you believe that is true and if — do you believe it's true?
A. No.
Q. Do you believe that the work that Mr. Steele did on Russian interference and possible ties to the Trump campaign or your work could have been influenced by Natalia Veselnitskaya?
A. No.
MS. SAWYER: I think my time is up for this round. So I appreciate your patience and we'll take a break.
MR. FOSTER: It's 5:34.
(A short break was had.)
MR. DAVIS: We'll go back on the record.