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with another foreign policy controversy. "Russian adoptions by American families" I assume is a reference to the adoption issue.
Q. And by "adoption issue" do you mean Russia prohibiting U.S. families from adopting Russian babies as a measure in response to the Magnitsky act?
A. I assume so.
Q. The information here, is this generally consistent with the type of information you or Baker Hostetler were providing about Mr. Browder and his activities?
MR. LEVY:Can you repeat that question.
MR. DAVIS:Is the information here, to the best you can decipher it, consistent with the information that you and Baker Hostetler and HRAGI were relaying to other parties about Mr. Browder's activities?
MR. LEVY: He's just told you that a lot of what's here he doesn't know what it means, he doesn't have knowledge or recollection as to these terms.
MR. DAVIS: The parts you do recognize.
A. Couple of the items touch on things that I