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Page 268

A. To my knowledge, yes.

Q. The version published by BuzzFeed contains several redactions, not merely the ones by Mr. Gubarev, G-U-B-A-R-E-V, that were later added. Were those redactions in the versions Mr. Steele provided to you?

MR. LEVY: So wait. You're asking about the version in Exhibit 3?

MR. DAVIS: Right.

MR. LEVY: And you're asking if the redactions that appear here were delivered to Fusion?

MR. DAVIS: Right.


A. No.

Q. Do you know who added those redactions?

A. No.

Q. Did any version of the memoranda list source and subsource names rather than referring to sources anonymously?

A. I'm not sure I understand the question.

Q. In the version that we have as an exhibit obviously it doesn't give identifying information for sources, it says source A, subsources, things like that. Was there ever a version that listed

Alderson Court Reporting