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once Fusion had exhausted public documentary sources you turned to Mr. Steele and some other subcontractors for human intelligence; is that correct?
A. Yeah, field intelligence.
Q. Would your engagement with your client have ended had you not turned to human intelligence?
A. I have no idea. I mean, I can't speculate.
Q. Well, to clarify, when say you had exhausted the public documentation, are you saying you reached the end of your work or was there still more?
A. No. It's a broad project, there's lots of things going on. We're pulling legal filings and bankruptcies and all sorts of other stuff on all kinds of issues. I was talking about specific lines of inquiry.
Q. To the best of your knowledge, do Rinat Akhmetshin and Christopher Steele know each other?
A. I don't know.
Q. To the best of your knowledge, has Mr. Akhmetshin ever worked with Orbis?