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which you told them that?


MR. FOSTER: Can you describe it for us, please.

MR. SIMPSON: Sure. Essentially there was — at some point the controversy over the Trump campaign's possible relationship with the Kremlin became, you know, one of the main — major issues in the campaign and there were things that Chris knew and understood to be the case that only he could really explain in a credible way, and I thought that — we thought that he should be the one that explains them, you know. So we sat down with a small group of reporters who were involved in investigative journalism of national security issues and we thought were in a position to make use of him as a resource.

MR. FOSTER: Do you recall whether that was before or after he ended his relationship with the FBI?

MR. SIMPSON: Before.


Q. Do you recall what the first published article — when the first published article came out that referenced material from the memoranda?=

Alderson Court Reporting