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pretty much, you know, a conventional understanding of litigation support.
Q. And to whom did Fusion GPS report in the course of this work?
A. Baker Hostetler. The partner in charge was Mark Cymrot, C-Y-M-R-O-T, who's a partner in the Washington office and former Justice Department prosecutor.
Q. Did Mr. Cymrot provide instructions to Fusion GPS during the course of the work?
A. Mr. Cymrot regularly instructed us in how we were to go about doing discovery and various other tasks, yes.
Q. And for a portion of that case at least Mr. Cymrot was the attorney of record for Prevezon Holdings; is that correct?
A. For the entirety of the time that I worked on the case he was — I believe he was the attorney of record.
Q. And did you understand the instructions you received from him to be originating from his client, from Prevezon Holdings?
A. The ultimate direction, of course, would have been from the ultimate client, but the client was outside the United States for most of its time.