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Felix Sater and through Felix Sater to — potentially to Donald Trump?

A. Yes. It was a company that Felix Sater and Donald Trump were involved in together.

Q. And the research you did on that project, was that public source research? Did you have any other — did you have human intelligence sources on that project?

A. I think I probably did have some human sources. That's my answer.

Q. And did you use subcontractors at all on that work?

A. I can't say specifically whether it was — I remember commissioning some public record-type research on Felix Sater and his history in New York.

Q. Did you feel in the course of that that you had uncovered evidence of any criminal activity by Donald Trump?

A. In the course of that I don't think so. I think my concern was the associations with known organized crime figures.

Q. And that included Felix Sater?

A. Yes.

Q. Anyone else in particular?

Alderson Court Reporting