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MS. SAWYER: To the work on the golf properties.
A. A number of them don't make any money. His valuations of the properties are questionable. I guess those would be the main findings.
Q. You just mentioned broadly but didn't describe it, you mentioned research on Scotland. I don't know if it was particular properties or something with regard to Scotland. Can you just describe what that research was.
A. Sure. He has golf courses in Scotland and Ireland and one of the facets of UK or anglo company law is that private companies have to file financial statements, public financial statements. So when you're looking at a guy like Donald Trump who doesn't like to share information about his company, it's useful to find a jurisdiction where he's required to share that information with the local government.
So we went and ordered the records — the financial statements of the golf courses. There's also a long-running land use controversy — I think there's multiple long-running land use controversies over those properties. We haven't