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letter and in particular in request No. 6?
MR. LEVY: Do you have an exhibit or should I just get my copy out?
MS. SAWYER: I'm happy to enter it as an exhibit or I can just read the names. I don't think there's any reason we need to —
MR. LEVY: Just read the names to move it along, that's fine.
MS. SAWYER: I don't think there's any reason — there's nothing in this letter to inform your answer otherwise.
Q. So with regard to Alpha Group, sometimes I've heard Alpha Group, sometimes I've heard Alpha Bank. I don't know if they're two distinct entities. Do you know anything about Alpha Bank or Alpha Group with regard to Russian interference in the 2016 election?
A. Alpha Group is not a corporate person, it's not an entity. It's just a collective name. Alpha Bank is a bank. I know a limited amount. I know, you know, journalists were working on some issues related to this and they asked us about it, but the information didn't come from us.
Q. So you were asked by journalists about it,