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MR. DAVIS: Good morning. This is the transcribed interview of Glenn Simpson. Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein requested this interview as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee's investigation of Fusion GPS's activities related to the dossier compiled by Christopher Steele, the Prevezon case, and the Magnitsky Act.

Would the witness please state your name for the record.

MR. SIMPSON: Glenn Simpson.

MR. DAVIS: On behalf of the Chairman I want to thank Mr. Simpson for appearing here today. My name is Patrick Davis. I'm the Deputy Chief Investigative Counsel with the committee's majority staff.

I'll ask everyone else from the committee who is here to introduce themselves as well.

MR. FOSTER: Jason Foster, I'm the Chief Investigative Counsel for Chairman Grassley.

MS. BRENNAN: Samantha Brennan, Investigative Counsel, Chairman Grassley.

MR. GRABER: Scott Graber, Senator Graham.

MR. PARKER: Daniel Parker, Investigative Assistant for Senator Grassley.

Alderson Court Reporting