Page:Siouan Sociology.djvu/45

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gens camped, but he gave the personal names of some members of most of the gentes.

On visiting the Kwapa, in the northeastern corner of Indian Territory, in January, 1894, the author recorded the following, with the assistance of Mrs. Stafford, a full-blood Kwapa of about 90 years of age: Among the Hañka genles are the Hañ'ʞa tañʞa, Large Hañʞa or Maⁿcka' e'nikaci'ʞa, Crawfish people; Wajiñʞa e'nikaci'ʞa, Small-bird people; Jiñ'ʞa e'nikaci'ʞa, Small-bird people; Te ni'kaci'ʞa, Buffalo people, or Hañ'ʞa ji'ʞa, Small Hañʞa; Aⁿ'paⁿ e'nikaci'ʞa, Elk people; Qid¢a' e'nikaci'ʞa, Eagle people; Tuqe'-nikaci'ʞa, Reddish-yellow Buffalo people; and Cañʞe'-nikaci'ʞa. Dog (or Wolf?) people. Mrs. Stafford knew that five gentes were not on the Hañʞa side, three of them, Hu i'nikaci'ʞa. Fish people, Ni'kia'ta (meaning unknown), and Ke-ni'kaci'ʞa, Turtle people, being on the same side; Maⁿtu' e'nikaci'ʞa, Lion people; and Ti'ju (answering lo the Osage Tsiɔu, the Kansa Tciju, and the Ponka Tciⁿju), meaning not obtained, which last is extinct. Mrs. Stafford could not tell on which side camped any of the following gentes given by Vallière: Maqe, Wĕs'ă, Wasa, Jawe, Mikaq'e, Mi, etc. The only persons capable of giving the needed information are among those Kwapa who reside on Osage reservation. According to George Red-eagle and Buffalo Calf, two full-blood Quapaw, the Maqe-nikaci'ʞa, Upper World people, were identical with the Wakanʇa e'nikaci'ʞa, Thunder-being people, of Vallière. These two men said, also, that there was no single gens known as the Hañʞa, that name belonging to a major division, probably a half-tribe.