Page:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Tolkien and Gordon - 1925.djvu/44

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Sir Gawayn
So bisied him his ȝonge blod and his brayn wylde.
90And also an oþer maner meued him eke
Þat he þurȝ nobelay had nomen he wolde neuer ete
Vpon such a dere day, er hym deuised were
Of sum auenturus þyng an vncouþe tale,
Of [1] sum mayn meruayle, þat he myȝt trawe,
95Of alderes, of armes, of oþer auenturus,
Oþer sum segg hym bisoȝt of sum siker knyȝt
To joyne wyth hym in iustyng, in jopardé to lay,
Lede lif for lyf, leue vchon oþer,
As fortune wolde fulsun hom, þe fayrer to haue
Þis watȝ kynges countenaunce where he in court were,
101At vch farand fest among his fre meny
f. 92b  in halle.
Þerfore of face so fere
He stiȝtleȝ stif in stalle,
105Ful ȝep in þat Nw Ȝere
Much mirthe he mas with alle.

Thus þer stondes in stale þe stif kyng hisseluen,
Talkkande bifore þat hyȝe table of trifles ful hende.
There gode Gawan watȝ grayþed Gwenore bisyde,
And Agrauayn a la dure mayn on þat oþer syde sittes,
111Boþe þe kynges sistersunes and ful siker kniȝtes;
Bischop Bawdewyn abof bigineȝ þe table,
And Ywan, Vryn son, ette with[2] hymseluen.
Þise were diȝt on þe des and derworþly serued,
115And siþen mony siker segge at þe sidbordeȝ.
Þen þe first cors come with crakkyng of trumpes,
Wyth mony baner ful bryȝt þat þerbi henged;
Nwe nakryn noyse with þe noble pipes,
Wylde werbles and wyȝt wakned lote,
120Þat mony hert ful hiȝe hef at her towches.
Dayntés dryuen þerwyth of ful dere metes,
Foysoun of þe fresche, and on so fele disches

  1. 95 Of (1st): Of of MS.
  2. 113 wit MS.