ACCLOYD, disgusted, cloyed.
Adred, frightened. Anglo Sax. Adrædan.
Agone, ago.
Albee, although.
Als, also.
Arread, interpret.
Attonce, at once, together.
Atweene, between.
Ay, always.
Bale, harm, sorrow.
Beene, Frequently used by the old Poets for the Indicative Imperfect of the Verb To be.
Beseene, becoming.
Blin, cease, blinnan. Sax.
Brede, to knit, plait, bredan.
Carle, old Man.
Certes, certainly, truly.
Chorle, a Peasant.
Clept, named, called.
Covetise, Avarice.
Dan, a Prefix, quasi Mr.
Dearling, Darling.
Defly, neatly, finely.
Depeinten, figured, displayed.
Dearnly, sadly, secretly.
Dight, adorned, clad.
Dreare, dismal, frightful.
Eftsoons, by and by, forthwith.
Eke, also.
Eld, Age.
Elfe, Young One, Child.
Erst, formerly.
Eyen, eyes.
Fay, Fairy.
Frytor, Villain, Deceiver.
Fae, Companion.
Forby, beside, near to.
Fordone, undone, ruined.
Forefend, to guard beforehand.
Fray, tumult, bustle.
Frayd, afraid.
Geer, furniture, tackle.
Gent, fine, noble.
Gin, gan, begin, began.
Glen, a dell, a hollow between two hills.
Goody, a Countrywoman.
Han, Preterite Plural of the Verb To have.
Heare, hair. Often used by Spenser.
Hight, called, is called, was called, or named.
Hoyden, slattern, coarse.
Imp, Infant, Child.
Jolliment, Merriment.
Ken, v. to see.
Knare, a knotty Arm of a Tree.
Leache, Physician.
Lemman, Mistress, Concubine.
Lever, rather.
Lewdly, basely, foolishly.
Liefest, dearest.
Malengines, Persons villainously employed, Toad-eaters.
Meint, mingled.
Merrimake, Pastime.
Mery, pleasant.
Moe, more.
Mote, v. might, mot.
Murk, dark.
Nathemore, not the more.
Nathlesse, nevertheless, nadeleſ.
Native, natural.
Ne, nor.
Nolens volens, willing or unwilling.
Perdie, an Asseveration, quasi verily.
Piersant, piercing.
Portaunce, Behaviour, Manner.
Prankt, adorned.
Propine, recompence.
Quaid, quelled, conquered.
Quight, to quit, leave.
Read, to warn, to prophesy.
Recks, heeds, cares for.
Requere, require. Often used by Spenser.
Rew, to repent.
Ruth, ruthless, pity, pityless.
Salews, salutes.
Sell, saddle.
Semblaunce, Appearance.
Seneshall, Master of Ceremonies, Steward.
Sheen, bright, shining, fine.
Shent, disgraced, ſcende, ſcendid.
Skyen, adj. Sky.
Sooth, soothly, truths, truly.
Emotion, Fit, Stir,
Straine, Tenor.
Sues, pursues, follows.
Teen, Grief, Sorrow.
Thewes, Habits, Manners.
Thilk, this, that.
Traines, Devices, Traps.
Transmewd, changed, transformed.
Treachor, Traitor, Deceiver.
Troublous, troublesome.