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Page:Sir Martyn (1777).djvu/20

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Of ſkyen blue a mantling robe he wore,

A purple girdle looſely tyd his waiſt
Enwove with many a flowre from many a ſhore,
And half conceald and half reveald his veſt,
His veſt of ſilk, the Faerie Queenes bequeſt
What time ſhe wooed him ere his head was grey;
A lawrell bough he held, and now addreſt
To ſpeech, he points it to the mazy way
That wide and farre around in wildeſt proſpect lay.


Younkling, quoth he, lo, where at thy deſire

The wilderneſs of life extenſive lies;
The path of bluſtering fame and warlike Ire,
Of ſcowling Powre and lean-boned Covetiſe,
Of thoughtleſſe Mirth and Folly's giddy joys;
And whither all thoſe paths illuſive end,
All theſe at my command didactick riſe,
And ſhift obedient as mine arm I bend.
He ſaid, and to the field did ſtrait his arm extend.