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Page:Sir Martyn (1777).djvu/45

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Let other ſcenes now riſe, the Wizard ſaid:

He wavd his hand, and other ſcenes aroſe.
See there, quoth he, the Knight ſupinely laid
Invokes the houſehold houres of learnd repoſe;
An auncient Song its manly joys beſtows:
The melting paſſion of the Nutt-brown Mayde
Glides through his breaſt; his wandering fancy glows,
Till into wildeſt reveries betrayd,
He hears th' imagind Faire, and wooes the lovely ſhade.


Tranſported he repeats her conſtant vow,

How to the green wode ſhade, betide whateer,
She with her baniſhd Love would fearleſſe goe,
And ſweet would be with him the hardeſt cheer.
Oh heaven! he ſighs, what bleſſings dwell ſincere
In love like this!—But inſtant as he ſighd,
Burſting into the room, loud in his ear
His Lemman thonders, Ah! fell dole betide
The girl that truſts in man before ſhe bees his bride!