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Page:Sir Martyn (1777).djvu/55

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Soothd by the murmurs of a plaintive ſtreame,

A wyld romantick dell its fragrance ſhed;
Safe from the thonder ſhowre and ſcorching beame
Their faerie charmes the ſummer bowres diſplaid;
Wyld by the bancks the baſhfull cowſlips ſpread,
And from the rock above each ivied ſeat
The ſpotted foxgloves hung the purple head,
And lowlie vilets kiſt the wanderers feet:
Sure never Hyblas bees rovd through a wilde ſo ſweet.


As winds the ſtreamlett ſerpentine along,

So leads a ſolemn walk its bowry way,
The pale-leaved palms and darker limes among,
To where a grotto lone and ſecret lay;
The yellow broome, where chirp the linnets gay,
Waves round the cave; and to the blue-ſtreakd ſkyes
A ſhatterd rock towres up in fragments gray:
The ſhee-goat from its height the lawnſkepe eyes,
And calls her wanderd young, the call each banck replies.