Page:Sir Neil and Glengyle, the Highand chieftains (2).pdf/2

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In yonder Isle beyond Argyle,
Where flocks and herds were plenty,
Lived a rich Squire, whose sister fair
Was the flower of all that country.
A knight, Sir Neil, had wooed her long.
Expecting soon to marry;
A young Highland laird his suit preferred,
Young, handsome, brisk and airy.

Long she respected brave Sir Neil,
Because he wooed sincerely,
But as soon as she saw the young Glengyle
He won her most entirely.
Till some lies unto her brother eame,
That Neil had boasted proudly,
Of favours from that lady young,
Which made him vow thus rudely.

I swear by all our friendship past,
Before this hour next morning.
This knight or me shall breathe our last,

He shall know he's scorning.