MEMOIRS of Sir Thomas Browne .... xvii to cx
Pedigrees . . . . . .... . xvii
Life by Dr. Johnson xvii to liv
Supplementary memoir lv to cix
Mrs. Lyttleton's communication to Bp. Kennet ex
Dr. Browne's letters to his son Thomas, 1660-2 1 to 16
Mr. Thomas Browne's narrative of his journey from Bordeaux to Paris, 1662 . . . . 17 to 22
Journal of Edward and Thomas Browne's tour into Derbyshire in 1662 22 to 42
Dr. Browne to his sons Edward and Thomas [July 1663] 42
Journal of Mr. E. Browne, Jan. 1 to Apl. 11, 1664 . 44 to 59
Letters of Mr. E. Browne to his family, Apl. 5 to June 9, 1664 60 to 65
His journal resumed, June 6 to Aug. 12, 1664 65 to 67
His letters to his father, his brother Thomas, and Mr. Craven, from Aug. 10, 1664, to Sep. 30, 1665 67 to 114
Dr. Browne to his son Edw. Sep. 22, 1665 110 Sketch of the naval career of the Dr's. younger son, Thomas 114 to 116
His correspondence with his father, from Nov. 25, [1664,] to Jan. 1, [1665] . . . 116 to 119
Journal of his voyage with Sir Jeremy Smith, from Dec. 21, [1665,] to Mar. 11, [1666] 120 to 128
Letters to his father, July and Sep. 1666 . 128 to 134