PEDIGKEE, No. 3. DRAWN UP FROM VARIOUS AUTHORITIES, AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME.— 5. W. 1836* • The principal authorities at, Lvttleton's liograplii,;,! notice to ■ aonnnentc! aucriptioni oj St 1 St. Bride, London: Nortlifli.l, in the present volumes. the lie peerage ■ preceding pedigret ■ Undershaft and various passages •Jim are from the Richard Browne, of [Upton — M. I.} Co. Chester.— Fed. I.= , p. 323.; T1,„J.». Tl™vn» rmercer 7„t 1 of TSt Michael's Cheap Co>Tcs-=Anne, d. of Paul Garraway, of [ Lewes ?— Corresponds . . po^denlf. ^T^C^lf^^pPel L H^had four | Co.' Sussex. -Fed. 1, Sheremarried Sir Thomas Dutton ; children (two sons and twr the youngest — Lyt. s) ; of whom Sir Thomai who died May 16, 1034.— Life of Prime Henry, p. 200. Sir Thomas Browne, Knt. M. D. Born in St. Michael's Cheap, London, Oct 19, IGOj. Knighted Sep. 29, 1071. Obiit Oct. 19, 1082. Buried in St. Peter's Mancroft, Nor- wich, Oct. 24, 1082. = Dorothy, 4th d. of Edward Mileham, Esq. of Burlingbam St. Peter, Co. Norfolk. Born j Feb. 1 ; bap. Feb. 17, 1621. Ob. Feb. 24; bur. March 4, 1685, in St. Peter's Man- croft, Norwich. 1. Edward Browne, M. P., F. R S. Son and beir. Born 1044 — Compare Fed. 1 and Mon. Ins. Admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1007. Appointed Lec- turer ill Chirurgcuij's Hall in 1075. Cho- sen a Fellow ol tlic College of Physicians 1675; Censor in 107K, 108.5, 1080; and President, on the ilealli of Sir Thomas MillingtMl, in L703. Appointed Physi- cian to King Charles II and to St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital in 1082. Ob. Aug. 28, I 70S; bur. at Northdeet, Co. Kent. , Henrietta Susan, d. of Dr. Christophe of Lime-street, London, (who died Dec. 31, 107.'). and Andrew Undershaft ,inl April 311, 1072— St. And Reg. Ob. 8tb and bur. the )6tb Dec. 1712, at Northdeet Ntsrlhfeel Raj. She had one brothel. Henry Terne, author of A of 1 'enice, who died unmarried. - Fed. 2. ofSirChas Cottrcll ?- See vol. i, p. SI, 52. Browne, M. i*. F. R- S. Son and heir. Bap. Jan. 21, 107- — R"i St. Andrew ' London. Admitted F.R.S. 1699. Ob. S.P.July loth, 1710, at Northdeet [in con- of a fall from his —1 Alethea, 4lh d. of Henry Fairfax, Esq. Mar. at Northdeet A p. 17, 1 698. Hunt, May 30, 1704— Re,,, of North- fleet and Hurst. Said to have had children, but left none._7V,( 2 . Susannah, bap. Sep. 4,= Arthur M 1073— Reg. St. Bride. Esq.of Ob. Feb. '23, 1094. don, HI Bur. at Northdeet, with for Gn children. — Man. Inse DiU'J Stewart, 0th I.or.1 Cardross, 1 1 til Earl of Buehaii, = .Marguret, daughter of William Fraser, Esq ob. PJlh April, 1829, S. P. to the late Earl of ). Thomas Browne, Lieut. R. N. born 1046. Living in 1667. — Correspond. p. 149. Died unm. and bur. Wednes- day, Sept. 1, [qu. 11, 1007?— S.W.] in St. James, Clerk- enwell, London. — Fed. 2. I . Anne 1647? Ilili9? Hurst April born about; Married to. the end of Buried at Co. Berks, 2, 1698 — Henry, son Henry Fairfax, Esq. of Burlington, Co.' York, (the 2nd son of Thomas, Lord Vise. Fairfax, of Emely, in Ireland,) by Frances, only daur of Henry Barker, Esq. of Hurst Co. Wilts. Ob. and bur. June 19, 1624,— Hurst Reg. MINI of 5. Elizabeth, b, about= George. I -2 1 1 1 & youngest O. Dorothy, b. about 1049? bur. Ma; i 1 Mar. Dec. 19, 1G80.-S/. Peter's Reg. Living in 1716 Pre- face to Sir Thomas Browne's Christian Morals. of Sir Tbo Lyttleton, Bart., and Major in Pr. George of Denmark's Regi- ment of Dragoons. Ob. S. P. at Windsor, Mav31, 1717, ret. 77. —Fed. 2. St. Peter's Reg. 7. Frances, b. Nov. 7, bap. Nov. 9, 1650, bur. Sep. 15, 1651.— Ibid, 8. Mary, b. Nov. 28, bap. No?. 29, 1052 Ibid. Bur. 1676 See Blamfitld, ii, 035. 9. Charles, b. Aug. 13, bap. Aug. 27, 1055; bur. April 13, 1662— St. PtttflRtn- 10. 11. Richard and James, twins, born and bap. Aug. 17, 1656. The fonuerbur. ( let. 17, 1657. The latter Oct. 18, 16SS.-St. Peter's Reg. I 12. Frances, bap. Sep. 5, 1662. Survived her father, aud sup- posed to have married , Bosville, Esq. of . -Fed. 2. Co. York. Dorothy, bap. Sep. 19, 1675. C 1094, at Northdeet — M. I. Edward, bap. Oct. 4, 1077. (Ob. Vita patris— Br. E. B's will.} Christopher, bap. Dec. 8, bur. Dec. 22, 1678 St. Bride's Reel. Frances, [bom 1680?] bur. Dec. 13, 1081.— AW. Henrietta, bap. Aug, 11, 1081, bur. Dec. 13, 1703 St. Bride's and Northfleet Reg. Elizabeth, hap. June 5. 1683, bur. June 19, 1685 — .St. Bride's Reg. June 23, 9. Anne, bap. Mar. 25,= Owen Brigstoeke, Esq.of 10. Catherine, bap. Aug. Imj.-St Bride's Ob. S. P. — Letter from Augustus Bruj- stoclo , Esq. of Blaen- pant, Co. (Cardigan, great grandson of O. Btigstoche, Esq. by '2nd marriage. Llecbdenny, Co. Car- 18, 1087, bur. Nov. 20, marthen, M. P. He re- 1687 St. Bride's Reg. married Mary, only d. & 11. Mary, bap. April 21, r of Francis Gwyn: Esq. Glyn Abbey, M.P. His great grandson, A. Brigstoeke, Esq. now re- sides at Blaenpant. 1089 Ibid. Ob. Di 10, 1094, bur. at North- fleet Northfleet Reg. Ill 1 . Barker, bap. Aug. 30, bur. Sep. 5, 1070, at Norwich— St. Pet. Reg. ■2. Barker? bur. July 2, 1673, at Nor- wich St. Peter's Reg. 3. Frances, ob. tet. 5, bur. Sep 16, 1678 Mon. Ins. at ffurst. 4. Thomas? ob. at Islington, Sep. 1680 Correspondence, p. 285. 5. Anne- Alethea, b. Mar. 29, 1678-9. Shiplahe Reg. Bur. Dec. 31, 1679. — Hurst Reg. Henry David, 5tb= Agnes, 2nd d. of Katherine Anna: nee. - 1697.-, _ ross,9tbEarlof Bucban Fed. 2. Ob. Oct. 11, 1745. — Peerage. '. William, bap. June 20, 1682, ob. Julv'27, bur. July 28, 1684. — Hurst Reg. &■ Mon. Ins. 8. Alethea, bap. July 16, 16*5, Mar. to Dr. T. Browne, 1698. Ob. March*), 1704,— Burst and Northdeet Reg. Lord C 10th Earl of Buchan, b. Ap. Sir Jas. Stew- art, of Good- trees, Bart. ob. Dec. 11, 1778. , m. J«h .'olonel Gardiner, killed at Pres- Eigbt sons and five daughters, who died vnm. l.tuchaii. Henry Stewart, b, Nov. 1, 1746-^Christian, daughter of George Fullarton, ob, May 9, 1804. Thomas, b, Jan. 21, 17iU, created Lord Erskine, ofl Castle, Co. Cornwall, and Ld. High Chancellor in IS Nov. 17, 1823. David Montague, 2nd ] iel= Frances, daughter of David Two daughters, who Moore, Esq. died S. P. Henry David, 7th Lord Cardross, and 12th Earl of Buehan, b. July 1783. = Elizabeth, 3rd daughter of Sir Charles Shipley, ob. Oct. 5, 1825. Two sons and two daughters Henry, 8th Lord Cardross, b. Oct. 18 = Jane, 2nd dauglitcr of Archibald Tonics, Esq. Si.> nd three daughte:
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