vii PAGE
De Astragalo aut Talo (lb. 1827, fol. 69-70) 298 to 299
NonnuUaa lectione Athensei scripta (lb. 1827,
fol. 71-77) 300 to 304
Nonnulla a lectione Athenaji, Platinje, Apicii
de Re Culinaria, conscripta (lb. 1827, fol.
77-81) 305 to 308
Amico Clarissimo, de enecante Garrulo Suo
(lb. 1827, fol. 83 ad fine) . . . . 309 to 312
An account of Birds found in Norfolk (lb. 1830,
fol. 5-22 and 31) 313 to 324
An account of Fishes, &c. found in Norfolk,
and on the coast (Ib. 1830, fol. 23-30;
32-38 : and 1882, fol. 145-6) ... 325 to 336
On the ostrich (lb. 1830, fol. 10-11; and
1847) 337 to 339
Boulimia Centenaria (lb. 1133; and MS.
Rawl. 58) 340
Upon the dark thick mist happening on the
27th of November, 1674 (Ib. 1833, fol.
136) 341 to 342
Oratio Anniversaria Harveiana (Ib. 1833, fol.
146-150; and 1839, fol. 299-316) . 343 to 352
Account of a thunder-storm at Norwich, 1665
(lb. 1866, fol. 96) 353 to 354
On dreams (lb. 1874, fol. 112-120) . . 355 to 359
Nota in Aristotelem (lb. 1874, fol. 81) . 360 to 366
Observations on grafting (lb. 1848, fol. 44-48:
1882, fol. 136-137 ; and Add. MSS. 5233,
fol. 58) 367 to 371
Fragments (MS. Rawl. 58, fol. 5 and 15) 372 to 374
Of Greenland (lb. 391) 375
Extracts from Commonplace Books, from MSS.
1843, 1848, 1862, 1866, 1869, 1874,1875,
1882, 1885 376 to 456