Page:Sir Thomas Munro and the British Settlement of the Madras Presidency.djvu/231

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Abyssinian, Sidi, or Hubshi village in Kánara, 108.

Adam, John, Malcolm's letter to, in praise of Munro, 165, 166: left enough troops for the Burmese war, 200.

Ahmadnagar, capture of, by Arthur Wellesley, 121.

Allen, Captain, letter of Munro to, quoted, 65, 66.

Ambúr, taken by Haidar Alí, 21: Munro stationed at, 33, 44, 217.

Amherst, William Pitt, Lord, Governor-General, declares war with Burma, 194: asks Munro's advice, 195: describes terms of peace offered, 196: praised by Munro, 202: officially thanks Munro, 205.

Anderson, Dr., Munro's opinion of, 149.

Anson's Voyages, favourite book of Munro, 12.

Arbuthnot, Sir Alexander J., Sir Thomas Munro, with Selections from his Minutes, &c., 8: quoted, 62, 86, 89, 90, 160, 190.

Arcot, besieged by Haidar Alí, 18.

Army, the Madras, European soldiers hamper, 44: needs to be strengthened with cavalry, 72, 73: more Europeans wanted after the Maráthá war, 133: its services in first Burmese war, 199.

Arní, Munro present at battle of, 216,

Artillery, excellence of Coote's, at Porto Novo, 25.

Asírgarh, taken by Stevenson, 128, 129.

Assam, overrun by the Burmese, 194: to be relinquished by them, 196.

Assaye, battle of, 121: criticized by Munro, 122, 123: described by Arthur Wellesley, 123-129: further criticized by Munro, 129-132.

Astronomy, Munro studies, 16.

Badámi, Munro takes, 166.

Baillie, Colonel, Munro attempts to join his detachment, 16: his defeat, 18, 19.

Bamboos, number of, in Kánara, 97.

Bangalore, Munro present at siege of (1791), 48, 218: reduced forts near (1799), 83.

Bárámahal, the, ceded by Tipú to the Company (1792), 55, 61: Munro appointed to, 61: described, 62-64: Munro's administration of, 64-66: life in, 75-77: his sorrow at leaving, 87: his visit to, as Governor, 208.

Baronetcy conferred on Munro, 204.

Bassein, treaty of (1802), 121.

Bath, Order of the: Munro made C.B. and K.C.B., 177.