The Savoyard Boy
I came from a land far away,
My parents to keep me were poor
To pleaſe you I ſing and I play
Yet a living can ſcarcely procures
About ſad and hungry I go,
Though ſmiling, as if 'twere with joy,
Then a trifle in pity beſtow,
To relieve a poor Savoyard boy.
when round me the children I ſee
So careleſs and happy appear,
I ſigh while they liſten to me,
And oft as I ſigh drop a tear!
I cannot help thinking that they
Can fly to their parents with joy,
While mine, they are far, far away,
Then relieve a poor Savoyard boy.
Should I return to that land far away,
My poor helpleſs parents to ſee,
With me, they for ever would pray
For the kindneſs you laviſhed on me.
Oh had I the means to repay
Their kindneſs, I would then with joy
Then turn not in pity away,
But relieve a poor Savoyard boy.