Page:Six popular Scotch songs.pdf/2

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Keen blaws the wind o'er the braes o' Gleniffer,
The auld castle's turrets are covered wi' snaw—
How chang'd frae the time when I met wi’ my lover,
Amang the broom bushes by Stanley green shaw!
The wild flowers o’ summer were spread a' sae bonnie,
The mavis sang sweet frae the green birken tree;
But far to the camp they ha'e marched my dear Johnnie,
And now it is winter wi' nature and me.
Then ilk thing around us was blythesome and cheerie—
Then ilk thing around us was bonnie and braw;
Now naething is heard but the wind whistling dreary,
And naething is seen but the wide spreading snaw.
The trees are a’ bare, and the birds mute and dowie,
They shake the cauld drift frae their wings as they flee,
And chirp out their plaints, seeming wae for my Johnnie—
'Tis winter wi’ them, and 'tis winter wi' me.