not improved—but on the contrary, treated with neglect —the consequences must at last be awful. God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righ-teousness: That day hurries on apace: And we must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ. Acquaint now yourselves with him, and be at peace, that thereby good may come unto you.
Again, we remark, that the fate of this youth ought to act as a stimulus to parents in the discharge of those duties they owe to their children. Poor M‘Lusky was not favoured with parental admonition. No guardian hand directed his feet in the way of peace. Thrown upon the current of accidents-Left, without control, to follow his own depraved inclinations, he wrought iniquity with greediness. And, at present, notwithstanding the much that is doing in order to promote the present and eternal interests of the young and rising generation, is it not lamentable to see thie torrent of iniquity that yet runs down our streets? They number of youthful transgressors is great. They are daringly impious; neither afraid, nor ashamed to declare that they have not the fear of God before their eyes. Now we are afraid that much of the weight of that guilt that attaches to such contempt of God’s law, must fall on the heads of parents and guar-dians of youth. We know well that you cannot change their hcarts; and we are also aware, that, in some cases, the solemn admonitions, the pious example, the prayers and tears of affectionate parents, have all been disregard-ed: But do not suppose that this will exculpate you from the guilt inseparable from the neglect of those duties that God has imposed upon you, with regard to your children and those under your care. An important trust is com-mitted to you, and woe be to you, if you are found un-faithful. Be persuaded, then, to give yourselves first to the Lord. Bring your children under the sound of the Gospel. Endeavour to put the words of eternal life into their hands. Pray with them, and for them; and God, even your own God, will bless you.
To conclude: another cause to which we attribute the