Page:Sketches of the life and character of Patrick Henry.djvu/286

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sought to distinguish themselves by public speaking, all candidates for popular favour, and especially the junior members of the bar, flocked to these meetings from the remotest distances, and entered the lists with all the ardour and gallantly of the knights of former times, at their tilts and tournaments. Never was there a theme more fruitful of discussion, and never was there one more amply or ably discussed.

Of the convention which was to decide the fate of this instrument in Virginia, Mr. Heniy was chosen a member for the county of Prince Edward. Although the constitution had come forth with the sanction of the revered name of Washington, and carried with it all the weight of popularity which that name could not fail to attach to any proposition, it had not the good fortune to be approved by Mr. Hemy. He was (to use his own expression) " most awfully alarmed^^ at the idea of its adoption; for he considered it as threatening the liberties of his country; and he deteimined there- fore, to buckle on once more the armour which he had hung up in the temple of peace, and tiy the fortune of this, the last of his political fields.

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