Page:Slavery, a poem.pdf/13

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Periſh the proud philoſophy, which ſought
To rob them of the pow'rs of equal thought!
Does then th' immortal principle within
Change with the caſual colour of a ſkin?
Does matter govern ſpirit? or is mind65
Degraded by the form to which 'tis join'd?
No: they have heads to think, and hearts to feel,
And ſouls to act, with firm, tho' erring zeal;
For they have keen affections, kind deſires,
Love ſtrong as death, and active patriot fires;70
All the rude energy, the fervid flame,
Of high-ſoul'd paſſion, and ingenuous ſhame:
Strong, but luxuriant virtues boldly ſhoot
From the wild vigour of a ſavage root.
Nor weak their ſenſe of honour's proud control,75
For pride is virtue in a Pagan ſoul;

A ſenſe