a girl, whom they named Morning, and the youngest a boy, whom they named Day, beeause he was a great deal handsomer and much more beautiful and eomely than the sister.
The queen's jealousy inereasing, she several times spoke to her son, desiring him to inform her after what manner he spent his time, alleging that, as he saw her so very uneasy, he ought in duty to satisfy her. But he never dared to trust her with his secret; for she was of the raee of ogers, and the king would certainly not have married her, had it not been for her vast riches.
It was whispered about the eourt that she had an ogerish inelination, and that whenever she saw any little ehildren going by, she had all the diffieulty in the world to refrain from falling upon them; so the prince would never tell her one word.
But when the king was dead, whieh happened about two years afterwards, and he saw himself lord and master, he then openly deelared his marriage, and went in great eeremony to conduet his queen to the palaee. They made a very magnificent entry into the eity, with her two children beside her,
Some time after the king went to make war with the emperor Cantalabute, his neighbour.