to be filled with toads, vipers, snakes, and all sorts of serpents, in order to throw into it the queen and her ehildren, the clerk of the kitchen, his wife and maid; all of whom she had given orders to have them all brought thither, with their hands tied behind them, to suffer the vengeanee of the incensed ogress.
They were brought out accordingly, and the executioners were going to throw them into the tub, when the king fortunately entered the court in his carriage, and asked, with the utmost astonishment, what was meant by this horrid spectacle; no one daring to tell him.
When the ogress saw what had happened, she fell into a violent passion, and threw herself head foremost into the tub, and was instantly devoured by the ugly creatures she had ordered to be thrown into it for others.
The king could not but grieve being very sorry, for she was his mother; but he soon eomforted himself with his beautiful wife, and his two pretty children. And after all things were settled, he well rewarded the clerk of the kitehen for his wisdom, humanity and compassion.