So! breakers of broncos! with miles of jagged wire,You seek to break the spirit of this range;With lariat of barbed wire fence, you hopeTo tame its heart, and with your iron heel,Hot from the desert, to sear upon its hipYour molten brand-as wranglers at a round-up,With bit and spur and lasso, strive to curbAnd brand an outlaw fresh from winter range.
O breakers of broncos, listen! Can't you hearThe northwind snickering at you? the coyoteUpon the mesa, jeering? the waterfallChuckling among the rocks? the croaking magpie,The hooting owl, the crane, the curlew? Look!The chokecherry blossom, the sage, the bitter-root,Bending with mirth, wag their heads, and laughAt you! Why, even the broomtail cayuse kicksHis heels against the mountain sky, and snorts!