Page:Small Motorised Vehicles (Safety) Act 2020.pdf/16

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NO. 25 OF 2020

(7) The Authority is entitled without payment to keep any document or information, or any copy or extract thereof, provided to an authorised officer under subsection (1)(i).

(8) In this section—

“relevant person” means—
(a) a person to whom an import approval is or was granted under this Act;
(b) an individual who is or was an officer or a representative of a person mentioned in paragraph (a);
(c) an individual who is or was an employee of a person mentioned in paragraph (a); or
(d) a person whom an authorised officer suspects on reasonable grounds is or was an importer of small motorised vehicles, or an agent of such a person;
“relevant premises” means any premises in Singapore that an authorised officer believes on reasonable grounds—
(a) is used for or in connection with—
(i) the import of small motorised vehicles; or
(ii) the storage or supply of small motorised vehicles that are being, or are about to be, or have recently been imported; or
(b) is under the control or management of a relevant person in paragraph (a) or (d) of the definition of “relevant person”.

Power to seize vehicles

11.—(1) Where an authorised officer has reason to believe that a small motorised vehicle or vehicle component is a vehicle or component in connection with which an offence under section 5 or 8 has been or is being committed, the authorised officer may, without warrant—